Place des Tours, 77115 Le Châtelet-en-Brie · Blandy-les-Tours, MELUN, France
The Château de Blandy-les-Tours is a medieval castle in the village of Blandy-les-Tours.
The site was previously a Merovingian necropolis.
The castle of Blandy is a typical example of a 13th century feudal fortress, later transformed into a great lordly residence in the style of the late 14th century.
Place des Tours
77115 Le Châtelet-en-Brie · Blandy-les-Tours,
District: MELUN, France
Tel: +33(0)1 60 59 17 80
BLANDY-LES-TOURS, Place des Tours, 77115 Le Châtelet-en-Brie · Blandy-les-Tours, District: MELUN, France